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Cemetery bees organized at the lake

Meota News
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Mother’s Day has come and gone, but a lady eating alone in Hailleys Cafe (Mr Ribs) that morning was treated to having her meal paid for by the person ahead of her, for which she was very grateful. She will undoubtedly pass the favour on one day. The same gal had received a rose at church that morning and she proceeded to pass it along to a resident at Harwood Manor and spend some time with her. After attending the tea at the manor she later learned that she had won the door prize, again very grateful!

The Meota Lions Chorus has only two more engagements before stopping for the summer, at Edam May 27 and Villa Pascal May 30. The Hobby Band likewise will be stopping for a few months.

With summer skies above, remember to scan the sky in late evening and watch for Northern Lights, they can be so beautiful.

The maple seedlings are springing up in every possible spot there’s any soil, between paving blocks, in every garden and flowerbed. Too bad there’s no market for them.

How good to see the basement dug for another house coming to Meota, soon we hope. There are several other places being built new or renovated, but also many houses for sale in the village.

The Meota cemetery bees are organized for the summer, with the dates as follows: Tuesday, May 28; Wednesday, June 12; Thursday, June 27; Friday, July 12; Saturday, July 27; Monday, Aug. 12; and Monday, Sept. 2. In the event of rain it will move to the next day, starting at 9 a.m. with coffee to follow each time

The highway from the Cochin hills to Glaslyn has developed a series of ‘ripple strips’ on the east side of the road, not so bad on the west side. Not as noisy as ‘rumble strips’ but noticeable. This seems to have developed since spring.

Rose Delainey was pleased to have her daughter Judy come from Edmonton and give her a hand to do up her flowerbeds and yard work.

It’s good to see the odd bumblebee around. They are becoming scarce, also the hummingbirds and goldfinches are such a pleasure to watch. The Meota robins should be the cleanest around as they surely do enjoy the birdbath in front.

The Meota Lions are most appreciative of the response to their bottle drive May 18, from which they cleared over $3,000. All donated help in any way is what makes it possible – the pickups, the sorting and cleaning and delivering to the depot is done by volunteers.

The last hall noon luncheon for this spring will be June 21, resuming in November. This meal includes sausages, hash brown casserole, salad and garlic bread and a variety of desserts. Mark your calendar and come out and meet your neighbours and friends over lunch.

Duplicate bridge played in the Pioneer Hall May 21 saw 22 players come out for an evening of fun and sociability. High score went to Catriona Winterholt and David Sharpe, followed by Bernard and Lucille Gregoire and Mary Phelps and Gerry Craig. On May 23 another evening of bridge was held and top score went to Vern Iverson and David Sharpe, then Mary Greenwald and Jean Lawes and third were Catriona Winterholt and Donna Scherman.

The Cher concert in Saskatoon was enjoyed by several folks from the area and all were quite impressed as she is 73 years old now. Her program was as good as if one had gone to Las Vegas to see it, with professional dancers and entertainers.

A new menace to watch for are little critters that look like a small ladybug but are Asian beetles – they bite, they stink and fly around. If you have a cat or dog check the roof of their mouth, once there they stick there and make it very sore.

Last Friday, May 24, the sky was filled with black clouds but Meota didn’t get any rain. The area of Minnehaha, where the Green Park Greenhouse is, got some rain and about 15 minutes of hail. This damaged plants that were outside the plastic topped buildings, but didn’t tear the plastic covering them, so they were lucky there. Turtleford reports a very nice rain with water running everywhere. The farmers want rain but the golfers don’t. Some crops are starting to show rows in the earliest seeded fields.

The auction sale held in Cochin for Pirots had a good turnout of people so hope it went well.