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Come ye apart and rest awhile

Walking has become a much-loved and valued part of my life resulting in remarkable improvements in my health and appearance. For nearly a year I’ve started each day at the track. Then, tendonitis hit.
Linda Wegner

Walking has become a much-loved and valued part of my life resulting in remarkable improvements in my health and appearance. For nearly a year I’ve started each day at the track.

Then, tendonitis hit. Months of pain and waiting for an appointment with the foot and ankle specialist began to drag me down. When I finally did see a specialist, what she had to say hit hard: do these exercises and no more walking for three months.

Now the purpose of that little anecdote is not to solicit sympathy, but rather to emphasize another important thing I’ve learned over many years. Here it is in a nutshell: either come apart and rest or you will simply come apart. I’m not the author of that nugget of truth but I use it quite regularly.

It’s no secret that we live in a culture where success seems to be measured by the hours we spend racing around amassing as much “stuff” as we can. Times of rest and refreshing are, too often, designated as luxuries we can’t afford. In spite of strong medical evidence of the costs of sleep deprivation, we seem unable to slow down.

Sadly we sometimes make the same mistake in attempting to serve God. Instead of allowing Him to work in His time and in His way, we frantically attempt to substitute our own energy for that of His Spirit. Among the many admonitions found in the Bible regarding how we are to live and to treat others, Jesus also exhorted his disciples to “come apart and rest awhile” and, I’m convinced, that applies to every aspect of our lives.

“ … learn from Me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matt. 11:29)

Thankfully, under direction from a second doctor, I’m walking again and rejoicing!