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Creating your life

I am a firm believer in the power of making your intentions become your reality. I have a strong sense that when you act and believe your life is going to unfold in a certain direction, it will.

I am a firm believer in the power of making your intentions become your reality. I have a strong sense that when you act and believe your life is going to unfold in a certain direction, it will.

I don't believe there is anything magical or mystical about this. I think if you focus your energy on where you want to go, you subconsciously draw what you need into your life to make those doors open.??

I have many personal testimonies which all seem to stem from one central theme. I believed it. And it happened. I haven't had a fairy godmother waving her magic wand, but I've certainly seen a lot of wishes come true.

Unfortunately, my beliefs also came true when I believed I was unworthy. Trust me. If you believe you don't deserve something that is exactly what you will draw into your life. I have built relationships on that belief system and they weren't healthy. It's amazing how easy it is to attract someone who will agree with the fact you are less than you are.??

Fortunately, underneath the insecurities I had self esteem. I would only sink so low, before I started coming up for air. I saved myself before I drowned.

I walk through my life with the belief that no matter what life throws my way, I will find a nugget of gold within the chaos. There is something of value to hold onto, no matter what I encounter.

My little family is growing stronger every day. I pictured this day and I'm envisioning a future that builds upon what we have. I have a vision of the person I want to be and with every step I take, I come a little closer. I have some dreams I just can't let go of. I believe that they can and will happen, one step at a time. I can envision those first steps.??

My 27-year-old son is stepping towards a future that he believes will happen. He sees the big picture and focuses on it. He made the decision within himself, made an open declaration of where he was headed and he is doing it. Every move he has made since he made that decision within himself is moving him in the direction he plans to go. I believe he will succeed. Because he believes.??

My oldest son (36) is also taking steps towards the future he wants to build. He also has a vision. A dream. His foundation has been shaken, so his steps are a little more tentative. But he's taking them. Testing the waters, investigating, thinking and daring to dream again. I believe he will also succeed in attaining his goals. The only thing stopping him is his inner conviction. If he believes in himself and takes every step with the belief that it is a step in the direction he wants to head, he will get to where he is going.??

Acting as if you have already received what you desire is a foundation of The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. I have lived "a life of intent" for quite some time now. The past few years have been a testament to my belief in this way of thinking. I have looked forward. I've believed, envisioned and felt the life I wanted to live. And I'm living it.

If you believe, anything can happen. Have faith in yourself. You simply can't lose by believing in your own self worth. It only gets better from there.