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Cyclamen: a great addition to the indoor winter landscape

Garden Chat
A small selection of available cyclamen colours and leaf patterns.

It’s time to admit outdoor gardening is over for the year. Frozen ground and snow are on their way. To help with your withdrawal symptoms, you can start gardening indoors. One colourful, long-lived plant you can introduce to your indoor landscape is the florist cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum). Also known as Persian violet, alpine violet and poor man’s orchid, it was first introduced to Europe from the Mediterranean before the 1600s and was the Christmas plant during Victorian times.

Single flowers grow on slender stalks (in white, light pink, hot pink, magenta or crimson, a few bicolours, some with ruffled petals) emerge with dramatically folded back petals. Together they resemble a delicate and brightly coloured kaleidoscope of butterflies hovering over a mound of variegated leaves. Cyclamen leaves and flowers are clustered tightly together around the top of a round, slightly flattened tuber. The dark green, heart- or kidney-shaped, leathery leaves (2.5 to 10 centimetres in diameter) are ornamented on top with a lacy silver pattern. Cyclamen cultivars range in size from dwarfish 10-centimetre height and width to as large as 30-centimetre height and width.

Admittedly, cyclamens are notoriously difficult to maintain for more than a few weeks as flowers fall off and leaves begin to yellow. The key to saving them from the trash bin is to keep them cool, moist and in bright, but indirect sunlight. Cool means 18-21 C during the day and 13-16 C at night. Under warmer temperatures, the plant is fooled into thinking summer is near and will go dormant prematurely to avoid what it thinks will be a hot, dry Mediterranean summer. Nor does “cool” mean cold. Avoid chilling or freezing drafts.

Water when the top of the potting media feels dry to the touch. Soak the pot in a pan of water until the top surface is wet. Afterward, let the pot drain completely. It is critical that it never sits in water. If you must water from above, avoid watering directly onto the tuber as this may cause the tuber to rot. If kept too dry, cyclamens visibly wilt – soak immediately.

Bright light is important, but avoid southern exposures. North, east or west windows are fine. Fertilize monthly with a half-strength liquid or water-soluble houseplant fertilizer such as 20-20-20. Remove spent flowers and yellowing leaves by firmly holding the stalk near its base, then twisting and bending it back so it snaps cleanly off at the tuber surface.

Cyclamens normally enter dormancy in April at which time all their leaves turn yellow. When this occurs, allow the pot to dry out completely. You can dig up the tuber and place it in a paper bag or leave it in its pot. Store it in a cool (10 C), dark location for a month or two. In May or June, repot if necessary, ensuring there is about 2.5 centimetres of soil between the tuber and the pot’s edge and that the upper half of the tuber sits above the soil level. Use a well-draining potting mix (cactus mix or a blend of equal parts regular potting mix and coarse sand). Place it in a cool bright location and begin to water and fertilize as before. In late June, set it outside in the shade, remembering to water and fertilize as required. Return it to the house before any chance of frost (late August or early September). If flowering hasn’t begun, be patient. Buds should be visible below the leaves in short order.

— This column is provided courtesy of the Saskatchewan Perennial Society (;; NEW Check out our Bulletin Board or Calendar for upcoming garden information sessions, workshops and tours.