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Dear Sweet Sixteen

Dear Sixteen-Year-Old Me,?? I'm going to write you a letter. A letter you won't fully understand or believe until you actually live your life. It is a letter that could change your life.

Dear Sixteen-Year-Old Me,??

I'm going to write you a letter. A letter you won't fully understand or believe until you actually live your life. It is a letter that could change your life. But the question is: "Is that a good thing?"??

In about three months, you are going to meet a boy. He is going to notice you and yes! He will pursue you. Yes! You!!!??

It's a heady thing to finally have someone notice you. He's two years older than you and you will fall head-over-heels for him. ??

Most people in your life would tell you to run for the hills and never look back. I'm not telling you that. Not even after all I know today.?

?This boy will teach you a lot. You see the world through rose-coloured glasses right now. Those glasses will be ripped off, trampled on, tossed aside and you will never see the world quite the same again. But it's OK. Trust me, these are lessons you need to learn. And believe me when I tell you that you will find some rose-tinted glasses that are ever so much better, to replace those that were lost.??

I would love to tell you to walk away when the going gets tough. But if you do, you will lose two of your children. That is an enormous sacrifice. So even if you knew what this path had in store, I couldn't tell you to hightail it and run. You lose something in this particular relationshipbut you gain more.??

What I will tell you is, you cannot change anyone. All you can change is how you react to them. You teach people how to treat you. If you act like a doormat, you will get walked on. If you believe you are unworthy,you will attract people into your life who help make that prophecy come true. You cannot change him. He is who he is. Stay true to yourself.??

Remember the people in your life will not live forever. Appreciate the here and now. You will never regret telling someone how much you care or what an impact they have made onyouand your life. Never hold back the positive. Put a voice to it and you will be amazed how it all comes back to you.??

You will suffer a great loss early in your adult life. Life and death do not unfold as we expect. There are surprises at every turn. Treat everyone with care because you never know what news a phone call will bring.??

You will endure heartache, loss, betrayal and disillusionment. You learn to expect this from some people, but others will surprise you. Trust me when I tell you the harder you fall, the greater you rise. ??

You will find friends for each season of your life. Your friends are beyond special. But I don't need to tell you this. You have already made some "forever friends" and you will walk with them at your side throughout the ups and downs of your life. You will continue to make friends wherever you go. Remember this. There will be a time when you don't believe it.You have yet to meet some ofyour bestfriends.??

Every single time you feel like you don't know where to turn, your family will be there. Every time. You don't even have to ask. There is a sixth sense when it comes to your family. They will come to you, even when you don't know you need them. ??

If I could turn back the clock, the only thing I would change is to make sure my loved ones knew how much I loved them. Love is a verb. You don't have to say the words to communicate the emotion. Act in loving and respectful ways. Always. You will never regret it.??

Bon voyage! You have quite a journey ahead of you. You will not only survive, you will thrive.?

Live life well. Be kind to yourself. And I'll see you in 38 years!

With love,?

Your 54-Year-Old Self