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I may not be there yet ...

Life As I Know It
Colleen Crawford

"I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday"— Author Unknown

There have been days, weeks and months when I felt like I have spun my wheels and gone nowhere.

I have travelled down roads that didn't take me where I thought I wanted to go, so I turned around and tried again.

I have sat in neutral and done absolutely nothing for long periods of time. Even in doing nothing, I did something. I absorbed what I saw, heard and felt. During those times of idleness, I internalized all that was happening around me, which gave me insight I would use to take me where I needed to go.

There have been the times where I have actively gone out and pursued my goals. I have taken tentative steps, sent out feelers, gone all out and just went boldly where I had never gone before.

The good, the bad and the ugly are all a part of this thing called life. Every person we meet and every chance encounter makes a difference in the way we see ourselves and the small differences we can make within our own little world.

Making mistakes, spinning your wheels, taking chances and simply waking up each morning and putting one foot in front of the other makes an impact. We are a work in progress. Everything we see, hear, feel and do takes us one step closer to where we hope to be.

No matter where you are today, no matter how futile yesterday felt, even if it feels like you are spinning your wheels or going backwards and not making headway towards that illusive place of where you hope to be, remember one thing. You are closer than you were yesterday.