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Rosemary for the holidays

"There's rosemary, that's for remembrance." — Ophelia, in Shakespeare's Hamlet
Photo by Elvert Barnes

Aromatic, space-saving, easy care and with a long afterlife, here is a "Christmas tree" with a difference.  Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), a member of the mint family, is a woody plant native to the Mediterranean region and long used as a culinary herb. Its common name is derived from the Latin words for dew (ros) and sea (marinus), meaning "dew of the sea,” a reference to its habitat by the seaside

Legend tells us that the Virgin Mary spread her blue cloak over a white-flowered rosemary bush when she lay down to rest. When she arose, the flowers were blue. It was then called the Rose of Mary, thus, its link with the Christmas season. Through the Middle Ages, it was associated with love and often worn by members of a wedding party. It has also long been seen as a symbol of remembrance, as Ophelia suggests in Hamlet.

Rosemary has fragrant (often described as "piney"), needle-like, evergreen leaves with a green topside and white underside. It is much used for Italian cuisine and stuffing as well as roast meats and vegetables. The leaves, stems and flowers are all edible. There are various cultivars of assorted sizes. The two-lipped flowers are mainly blue but also white, pink and purple. Indoor plants and those grown in northern areas such as the Canadian prairies may not bloom. Flavour is at its peak just prior to flowering. Excess leaves may be dried or frozen for future use.

Although up to five feet tall in its native habitat, as a temperate garden plant or indoor herb, rosemary plants are generally much smaller. It has been shaped into topiary forms for centuries. In recent years, during the holiday season, it has become readily available as a trimmed topiary shrub resembling a miniature Christmas tree, ideal for a smaller living space or as additional decor.

Once you get it home, think of where it came from —well drained soil on sea cliffs in full sun and often enveloped in mist or fog. Place it in a sunny, cool position. It is drought-tolerant (water-logging will do it in) but don't let it dry out either. Misting the foliage every week or so will imitate its position by the sea. Water it regularly and thoroughly but remove water that accumulates in the saucer. If it needs repotting, use a well-drained media. It's pretty much disease and insect resistant and, given the proper conditions, should last a long time. When it begins to outgrow its tree-shape, you can let it develop into its natural shape. Use it for cooking through the year, and re-trim it into a topiary Christmas tree in time for the next holiday season.

Once all danger of frost is past, rosemary may be placed outdoors in well-drained soil in a sunny location for a summer holiday. Repot it using a clay pot and return it to a cool sunny window in early September. It is only hardy to zone 6.

If you wish to increase your number of rosemary plants, it is easily propagated by stem cuttings taken in early spring when new growth appears. Simply take a cutting from the new growth about four to six inches long. Remove the leaves from the bottom third of the stem, dip it in a rooting hormone and plant it directly into well-drained soil kept evenly moist. Keep it in indirect light until it is rooted, about six weeks.

Sara is the author of numerous gardening books, among them the revised Creating the Prairie Xeriscape. And with Hugh Skinner: Gardening Naturally; Trees and Shrubs for the Prairies, and Groundcovers & Vines for the Prairies. Expect Fruit for Northern Gardens with Bob Bors in November, 2017. 

— This column is provided courtesy of the Saskatchewan Perennial Society (;; Check out our Bulletin Board or Calendar for upcoming garden information sessions, workshops, tours and other events.