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Take heed to wise counsel

Linda's Lines
Linda Wegner

As a published writer and complimented baker of pies, I am aware of the power of ingredients; but even more so, of the manner in which ingredients are put together. In one of my more painful experiences in life, I wrote what I thought was an excellent book and paid handsomely to have it published. Simply put, it flopped. Although there may be more than one reason, I do know my refusal to take the publisher’s advice re-naming the book had a lot to do with it – the title I’d chosen didn’t adequately relate to the contents. It was a sobering lesson in learning to take wise counsel.

Solomon begins his dissertations by outlining his reasons for passing on “tips for living.” “He wrote them to teach his people how to live – how to act in every circumstance, for he wanted them to be understanding, just, and fair in everything they did. I want to make the simpleminded wise,” he said. “I want to warn young men [as in everyone] about some problems they will face.” (1:2-6 The Living Bible)

Just as I learned the hard way to value to counsel of those experienced in the publishing industry, I am thankful to have acquired wisdom from others in more than one area of my life. Here’s how Solomon put it: “Without good direction, people lose their way; the more wise counsel you follow, the better your chances.” (11:14-The Message)

“Take good counsel and accept correction – that’s the way to live wisely and well.” (19:20 The Message) And one last word of advice: “It’s better to be wise than strong; intelligence outranks muscle any day. Strategic planning is the key to warfare; to win, you need a lot of good counsel.” (25:5,6 The Message)

By the way, I do know how to bake delicious pies!