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What would you wish for?

I had a deep and meaningful conversation with an (almost) six year old one afternoon.

I had a deep and meaningful conversation with an (almost) six year old one afternoon.

??I thought I would pick dandelions until his mom arrived (I never did run out of dandelions) and as I did so, I would point out the ladybugs I found and he collected them (he never ran out of lady bugs either). The only condition was that he had to set the lady bugs free when his mom came.??

We chatted as we went and as I was picking the dandelions, he said "You can make wishes on dandelions, you know" (when they have gone to seed and you blow them). None of the dandelions I was picking had gone to seed so I asked him what he would wish for.??

He replied, "More toys."?? "More toys?," I asked. "I thought you already had all the toys you could ever want."??

"I'm going to give some away so I have room for more new toys. Then when I get too many new ones, I'll give those away and get some more."

??Yikes. I didn't really have a comment for that so we went on our merry ways and continued collecting dandelions and ladybugs.??

A little while later he asked me, "What would you wish for?"??

I hesitated for a minute and said, "I don't have anything to wish for. I already have everything I want."??

"You do?"?? he asked in amazement.

"Ya, I do. I have three kids. That is a perfect amount of kids for me. I like the house I have. I have a car and I don't need two of those. I have a computer to do all of my work on. I have all the food we need to eat. I can't think of anything more that I want."??

From him there was silence.

??I thought of it later. Originally, my response was to make him realize how lucky he already is and to give him some food for thought, I really don't have anything I would wish for.

??I am rich in all the things I told him and so much more. I don't need more friends (though I'm always open and willing to make more). I like the ones I have. I don't need anything different from my family, because I appreciate each and every family member for who they are and the relationship we have. I presently have the gift of good health and that gift has been spread liberally among my family. I am content and happy with life as I know it. What more could one wish for?

I don't need to ask for my dreams to come true, because life has a way of letting things unfold just the way they are meant to be. If you work hard and follow your heart, the gifts are beyond what you could ever wish for.??

Would I wish for a light heart, health and happiness for all of those who touch my world? In a heartbeat.?? But since blowing on dandelion puffs won't make wishes come true, I'll just keep being me and hopefully people can draw a little on a little of this peace, energy, happiness and health I carry within me. I can't give it away but I can share it.??

I like where I'm at. I'm in a place where my wish list has turned into my dream list. I'm whittling away at my dreams. It's a very good place to be.