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From the Pastor’s Desk of TBC

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Pastor David Walker
Pastor David Walker

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Here we are into August already and the summer is slipping away. We had a great Gather Gospel Music Hour on the 26th, with 25 in attendance. Amazing music and much needed fellowship while still being cautious as far as COVID-19 is concerned, and also considering that we were minus one guitar which someone stole after breaking into our church. It was a guitar that our children gave Lorna prior to our moving to the West. However it was dedicated to God’s work, so it is entirely in His hands. He keeps good records.

There is strong evidence that our church is growing in numbers, and people are maturing in their walk and relationship with the Lord Jesus. For this reason Lorna and I have cancelled our vacation this year. This fall we plan on doing some special services on some very special topics which include … what is behind the Black Lives Matter Movement, “Are We Living In The Last Days Of Earth” as we know it, “Exposing the false heresy teachings,” “Speak The Word Movement,” “Apostasy InThe Church” and what about the sign gifts, all of which will be backed one hundred per cent by God’s word, and taking nothing out of context, which is most important.

In many parts of the world, worshiping the true God openly is prohibited. This is not something new, but is rapidly becoming the scenario in the Western world. What a blessing it is to be able to worship God freely, to sing and to fellowship with those of like faith. And yet many take this freedom so lightly and will not take one hour out of the week to worship the one True and Living God.

If you do not have a place of worship, or if you feel you are not being fed spiritually, we invite you to worship with this group of sinners, who are saved by God’s Grace. Not Perfect Just Forgiven. 318 Railway Avenue, Turtleford. Worship time every Sunday 11 a.m. Please mark your calendars for August: Gather Gospel Music Hour 6 p.m., Sunday Aug. 30. Until next time remember …

“A person does not have to be behind bars to be a prisoner. People can be prisoners of their own concepts and ideas. They can be slaves to sin and their own selves.”