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Education and farming go hand in hand

envelope letter 2

Dear Editor

As harvest season is well underway and many farmers are close to wrapping up, a lot of controversy is in the air. The issue is, do farmers really need an education.

In today’s society, the farming community is an immense part of our daily lives. They provide us with everything we find in the grocery and liquor stores; every food is based on something a farmer has produced.

Times have changed, and farmers are forced to change, too. More education is required to become a farmer or to continue farming, to get the highest quality yield. Technology has drastically changed since the start of farming years ago, and so has the science behind agriculture. Unhealthy pesticides, fertilizers, and hormones have been introduced recently, not only in agriculture, but in ranching, which is tied into farming more than we think.

With that being said, how are mixed farmers supposed to know the difference between healthy and unhealthy products for usage? With education. Getting educated on all the newest technology, chemicals, methods, and studies in agrology, will improve the economy of farming and the production rates. 

Many people would say education is not a necessity to become a farmer, but it sure does help. Whether you are a new farmer, or you are starting into your family business of farming, having an array of different programs within the agriculture industry, will be extremely helpful.

Sasha Kipp
