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What’s wrong with extra parking?

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Dear Editor

Re: the Sept. 19, 2019, issue of the News-Optimist has once again done an excellent analysis of North Battleford’s parking issues as seen by our city planners. I stress our local News-Optimist has a history of accurate reporting. It’s called “telling it like it is.”

I read said article several times for it reported the very essence of our city planning committee’s frame of mind: “We know best and we are not open to new ideas.” In other words, “Our minds are made up.”

I refer to the following “issue of parking on vacant sites, an issue that has plagued North Battleford downtown in recent years.” Would someone on the planning committee please explain to me and anyone else who might be interested why the possibility of extra parking downtown is a plague?

That deduction is followed by another and, I quote, “Allowing the practice to happen inflates the supply and makes it difficult to make changes to manage parking more effectively.”

Now, if more parking makes managing difficult, what are the possibilities of attracting industry, the kind that brings new money into the city?

Harry Zamonsky

North Battleford